
You are reading the musical musings and flights of feminist fancy of Katy Kn1ght and Rachel Holmes. Katy Kn1ght currently lives in Oxford. Rachel Holmes currently resides in the frozen tundras of some fabled Scottish land where she works on some kind of doctorate or whatever.

Eat Your Sherbert is a blog that reflects our love of good music and good feminism. Every Tuesday you will find ‘Tapes on Tuesday’, designed to share our latest discoveries in the field of (mainly tinkly handclappy melodic alt-indie) music, with the odd banging remix snuck in for good measure. Fridays will feature ‘Thank Fuck It’s Feminism Friday’, with a feminist issue for debate, of varying relevance.

Katy and Rachel invite you to join them on their journey as they solidify a feminist ethics in the 21st century, govern the alt-indie music scene taste with an iron rod, eventually learn how to post as two people rather than one homogenous blob, and most importantly, spell ‘sherbet’.


Follow EYS on Twitter: http://twitter.com/eatyoursherbert


We strongly encourage you to exercise your mail privilege:

For general comments, enquiries, loveferrets etc: eatyoursherbert@googlemail.com

For Rachel: eatyoursherbertrachel@googlemail.com

For Kate: eatyoursherbertkate@googlemail.com

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